The beauty industry, including cosmetic services, is definitely an economic activity that offers luxury goods. Certainly not associated with the headquarters in containerbut as they say: do not judge a book by its cover. Professional pavilion containerized, with the right equipment and arrangement, can become a unique, elegant beauty salon, to which customers will be happy to return.
Commercial pavilions offer wide arrangement possibilities
When designing the interior of a comfortable beauty salon, several functional zones should be planned: entrance area/waiting room, individual offices in the number and area depending on the services provided by the salon, bathrooms, social for staff. Is it possible to accommodate it all in the container? Of course, provided that the facility is ordered from a reputable contractor.
The division of space
First of all, professional manufacturers give the possibility of additional separation of rooms using partition walls, according to the customer's needs. This ensures that the interior pavilion will be divided according to an individual project and adjusted to the type and quantity of services provided. A salon in which one type of services, e.g. a manicure, is provided by only two beauticians will be designed differently, and a different design is required for the operation of several beauticians with a wide portfolio and additionally combined with a hairdressing salon.
Supplementary equipment
The second important element of customizing the pavilion container to the high expectations of the beauty industry are the possibilities of equipping with additional elements. When ordering a copy from a reputable manufacturing company, you can be sure that the range of complementary accessories will be wide. It is worth paying attention to whether modifications to the electrical installation can be made at the design stage, i.e., for example, increasing the number of sockets and changing their location. The situation is similar with lighting - if additional rooms are separated, more lighting points will be needed.
An important area that should be personalized is also door and window joinery. After changes in the interior design of the pavilion, it will be necessary to modify the arrangement of windows and probably increase the number of internal doors.
A beauty salon in a container - what about sanitary facilities?
It is clear that a business such as a beauty salon requires extensive sanitary facilities: hot water sinks, water supply for beauty equipment, toilets and sometimes showers as well. Choosing a seat container pavilion, there is no reason to worry - each of the above-mentioned functionalities can be provided without any problems. From a technical point of view, the water connection and drainage can be carried out in two ways: through the wall or through the floor container. In the option of connection through the wall, the installation leading to the container must be properly protected against freezing. When water connections and drains are connected from the bottom of the container, they should have slack so that they can be adjusted to the connections of the container at the time of putting down containers on the finished foundation.
At the design stage, it is important to determine the dimension of the connection end and check the diameters of the outflow pipes. With a larger number of water receivers, as in the case of a beauty salon, it is good for the installation to end with a 1-inch thread, and the drain of the devices should be ∅110.
Costs of arranging a beauty salon in a container
Despite many advantages, the pavilion as the seat of beauty services has some limitations and is certainly more modest than a place in an elegant one building. However, a beauty salon in a container has one indisputable advantage: cost. pavilions service buildings are low-budget facilities: both in terms of purchase and assembly, as well as subsequent operation. Because their building is compact, and the area is small, the costs of heating and other utilities are low. Thanks to the insulation of the container walls, the heating costs are low, even when the harsh winter comes, and it is cooler inside in the summer. The most common heating method is efficient electric heaters that consume little energy.
Low construction costs
The construction of even a very small building is a significant cost - not always realistic to bear when starting a new business. Starting with a beauty salon, you can also think about renting, but even here the amounts can be staggering. Service pavilions are available in various sizes and equipment versions. For the first, small living room, you can choose a version with small dimensions, achievable for everyone, even a very small budget. Starting your own business always involves some risk. The choice of the container pavilion as the seat reduces the amount of the starting contribution, and thus limits the possible loss. In the event of resignation from running a business, the pavilion can be easily resold. For a building permanently attached to the ground, this process is much more complicated, and the costs incurred for rent cannot be recovered.
Easy setup process
The longest stage of "building" a beauty salon in a container is the proper design of its interior. Cooperation with an experienced manufacturer will make this process much more efficient. When the project is ready, it remains to order the option for yourself and wait for implementation. During this time, the foundation should be prepared from ready-made foundation blocks, but such an operation will not take more than 1 day, and the appropriate electrical and water installations should be installed. The pavilions are placed on foundations using a crane or HDS, and it takes literally several minutes.
Without a doubt, it is worth to arrange a beauty salon in a container
Modern finish standard pavilions The number of service centers is really high, which, combined with the wide arrangement possibilities, makes them perfect as the headquarters of beauty salons. In addition, like other objects built from containers, they have many advantages. What is especially worth highlighting?
- low costs: both for purchase and placing, and for operation
- lead time - quick assembly
- modular construction giving the possibility of expansion along with the development of the business
A beauty salon in a container can be a real "bull's eye", provided that the selected facility is of good quality and the interior design is carefully thought out.
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