The level of readership, both in Poland and in the world, is constantly falling. Two decades ago, television and the popularization of cinema could be indicated as the main reason for this state of affairs. The “new” technologies, such as TV sets, video cassette players, and later CD and DVD players, easily accessible to the average recipient meant that books were put aside for many people. In the 2st century, this trend has not been reversed, and currently social media can be undoubtedly indicated as the main reason for the reading crisis. They have accustomed us to short and very easy to consume content - the complete opposite of what books offer. But that doesn't mean nobody reads books anymore! reading is becoming more and more a niche, however, the community of people strongly associated with literature is still very large, which is reflected, for example, in the many organized literary festivals, media-famous awards such as Nike or the Nobel Prize in Literature, or the unchanging popularity of libraries, offering the public access to almost all over the world for free. In this article you will find out how your social initiative, festival or cultural event can take advantage of it containers to popularize reading, increase the prestige of the event and attract additional recipients.
Container as a mobile library - does it make sense?
The mobile library and reading room is used in many circumstances. Their presence often accompanies cultural events, such as festivals (not only the literary ones!), and often they are simply created as part of the city's initiative or the district authorities as a form of activating residents and increasing the city's attractiveness.
One of the main problems faced by the organizers of mobile libraries is finding or building an appropriate structure. It is important that it fulfills its function properly - it is crucial not only to store books and offer a place to sit for readers, but also to protect the book collection from rain and other weather conditions.
The structure must also be simple and cheap to build. Simple, because such reading rooms are usually temporary and are installed for the duration of a specific action. There are cities that decide to permanently set up urban, mobile reading rooms, but in the vast majority of cases, the lifetime of mobile libraries ranges from a few days to several weeks.
Cheap because cultural initiatives, both private and commercial festivals, as well as those organized by the city authorities, usually have limited budgets. Cities care about the presence of art in their city, but the presence of a municipal library will usually be more important than the renovation of a street or the renewal of a park. Therefore, although cities and offices often indicate investing in culture as very important, it often loses to activities with a more direct impact on the lives of residents.
The solution to this problem in many ways is container, allowing you to create a mobile library not only quickly and effectively, but also at a low cost. Before we thoroughly agree on the benefits of use containers in cultural initiatives as mobile reading rooms - we will look at exactly what containers are.
What is a container?
Containers originating from the logistics industry meet very high norms and standards, adequate to the equally high requirements of the transport industry. Containers must not only be durable and durable, but also cheap to produce, so that the cost of delivering goods and materials over long distances is as low as possible. That's why the containers are so well designed and built. For decades, the best solutions have been selected for them, which provide them with an extremely favorable ratio of quality to price. The container is a metal frame surrounded by walls, constituting a solid and resistant structure. To adapt it to various utility purposes, it is equipped with insulation, heating, windows, electrical and sewage installations and everything that ensures comfort for users - depending on their individual needs.
This makes the containers very versatile. They serve as warehouses, offices, rooms sanitaryand even as apartments - both for a single person and for the whole family. To obtain more space, containers can be combined with each other thanks to modular construction, which allows you to create any size that meets the expectations of users.
For a mobile library, you probably don't need to worry about customization container for all utility needs. It will definitely come in handy insulation, however, the container can probably do without electrical and sewage installations, which will further reduce costs.
Container as a mobile library - benefits
One of the main advantages of containers is their low price, ranging from approx. PLN 17000 - PLN 27000 per a container that has already been adapted to the needs of use and has, for example, insulation, doors and windows. However, there are a number of other features and advantages that, in the case of creating a mobile library, may turn out to be more important than the price of the container itself, ultimately leading to much greater cost savings in aspects such as assembly, transport and maintenance.
Fast production and assembly time – On our website, you can choose one of the ready-made models, and its production and assembly in the place of your choice usually takes a total of several weeks. The assembly and installation itself is carried out in just one day, which allows this process to be carried out in a way that does not disturb the lives of residents or the organization of the festival.
Mobility and flexibility – The container is not permanently attached to the ground, nor does it require disassembly for transport, thanks to which it can be easily moved to another place, while incurring low costs. This allows you to "recycle" a single container over many actions, festivals and initiatives, even if they take place in completely different places! You are preparing a mobile library in container once and it is ready to be used for many years.
Swoboda – The container is a great flexibility and freedom in design and arrangement, thanks to which you can easily adapt it to the needs of the mobile library.
Environmental friendliness and low maintenance costs “Producing and maintaining containers is not only cheap, but also ecological and generates less waste than most alternative solutions. Containers rarely require renovation and repair.
Does a mobile library in the form of a container require a building permit?
If you intend to use the mobile reading room in the form of a container temporarily, less than 180 days, you do not have to worry about this issue. All you have to do is report your willingness to place the container to the appropriate architectural and construction administration authority before its installation.
If you are installing a mobile library in an urban space, you probably work very closely with the city authorities or the reading room is only one of the many structures you assemble as part of the event. The installation of the container will not cause you any additional difficulties and will not involve more formalities than in the case of other elements that you assemble.
Containers have an extremely wide range of applications and can be very useful for employees of culture and education, allowing to implement ambitious and useful social projects with low financial outlay. If you are considering creating a mobile reading room in the container and you have any questions, please contact us! Our customer advisor will answer all your questions and help you make the right decision.