EU project
Digitization as a way to improve the functioning of ULTRAMOTO sp. z o.o
The subject of the project is the implementation by Ultramoto Sp. z o. o. process innovations in the area of customer service and in the area of production in connection with the need to change the way of functioning in the conditions of the epidemic of infectious diseases in humans, in particular the COVID-19 pandemic. The implementation stages necessary to achieve the goal of the project include the purchase and implementation of ready-made software in the form of an ERP system with a product configurator module, a document flow system for the enterprise and a system for automatic recording of working time and temperature measurement, which will exclude the possibility of admitting third parties and employees with increased temperature. The implementation of the project will increase the company's resilience to the effects of COVID-19 and similar crises by implementing modern digital technologies. The purchased software and hardware will be highly useful and useful in the activities conducted by the Applicant for a minimum of three years after the completion of the project.
The aim of the project is to adapt the key business processes of Ultramoto Sp. z o. o. to function in the conditions of epidemics of infectious diseases, in particular the COVID-19 pandemic. The main objective of the project is a direct response to the existing COVID-19 pandemic situation and the possible occurrence of subsequent epidemics. The main objective will be achieved through the implementation of process innovation in the area of customer service and in the area of production. The actions taken will also make it possible to increase the company's resistance to the effects of COVID-19 and similar crises by implementing digital technologies by the Applicant, but also by the continuous development of the company with IT solutions and digitization of production processes and documentation circulation.
Implementation of the project will bring many different benefits, including, above all, in line with the company's long-term development strategy. The implementation of digital solutions will have a positive impact on the company's operations and will definitely improve its work. Thanks to having fully integrated solutions based on similar technology, the scope of work and time related to data collection will be minimized in a way that allows comprehensive and ongoing analysis of phenomena and processes occurring inside the company and the external environment. The implementation of IT solutions will streamline the product ordering process, streamline the document flow process and streamline production processes. The digitization of the company will ensure a higher level of communication with customers through the introduction of modern digital solutions. It will be designed in such a way as to enable its further development in the future with new updates or expansion along with emerging ICT opportunities on the one hand and the needs of the company and its customers on the other hand. In addition to improving and optimizing processes in the company, the project will also bring economic and social effects: the implementation of ordered products will take less time than the current production processes, the IT system will include a number of functions reducing the time and labor consumption of processes related to customer service, the company's offer will include more customers could benefit, because the ordering process will be able to take place from anywhere. As a result of the project implementation, environmental benefits will also be noted. There will be a reduction in the consumption of paper materials by the company.
In its current state, the company generates a large amount of paper documentation, e.g. COVID-19 surveys, documentation related to order fulfillment and production. After the system is implemented to record working time with temperature measurement, it will exclude the possibility of admitting third parties and employees with increased temperature. This will eliminate the completion of surveys by employees and visitors to the company. All data regarding orders and their implementation will be in electronic form, instead of the current paper form. The above benefits will have a positive impact on the environmental protection policy pursued by the European Union and Poland. Reducing paper consumption will allow the company to develop with respect for the environment.
As a result of the project implementation, the following values of product and result indicators will be achieved:
➢ Number of enterprises receiving support: 1 pc.
➢ Number of enterprises receiving subsidies (CI 2): 1 enterprise
➢ Number of enterprises receiving subsidies in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic: 1 enterprise
➢ The value of eligible expenses for activities related to the COVID-19 pandemic:
263 700,00 PLN
➢ Private investments supplementing public support for enterprises (grants) (CI 6) PLN 39555,00
➢ Number of introduced process innovations: 2,00 pcs.
Project value: 263 700,00 PLN
Contribution of European Funds: PLN 224